Stalkers Have Sometimes Used Car Tracking Apps to Harass Victims
Christine Dowdall says her ex-husband used an app on her Mercedes-Benz to stalk her every move. Like many other cars, her vehicle came equipped with a tracking system that can be accessed from the phone which allows car owners to safely and easily find a stolen or lost car. Some domestic violence experts say those special features are being weaponized to harass and stalk women in abusive relationships. Dowdall says she reached out to Mercedes-Benz asking them to remove her ex-husband's access to the app. She says Mercedes-Benz told her they could do nothing since he was the car's registered owner. Mercedes-Benz says they can’t comment on individual situations but considers issues like this on case by case basis. They also say their tracking feature is meant to find lost or stolen vehicles and they can't control it being misused for other purposes. Inside Edition’s Lisa Guerrero has more.